Georgia's economic potential attracts Hong Kong businessmen

July 6 2020

At the Business Delegation, which took place on March 18, the main directions of Georgia's economic policy, as well as ongoing and planned reforms in this area, were announced to the Hong Kong partners. On June 28, 2018, the Hong Kong-Georgia Free Trade Agreement was signed and ratified on December 28. Within the framework of the agreement, customs duties on many goods and services have been abolished, and customs duties have been reduced for a number of agricultural products. Also, conditions have been introduced under which it became possible for businessmen to receive exemption from customs duties. Free trade agreements with China, the European Union and the CIS countries had a beneficial effect on economic trends in Georgia, which was noted by the parties at the meeting. Therefore, representatives of both states see great prospects for further mutual cooperation. It should be noted that the main attention of business partners from China was attracted by projects in the field of energy and IT.