Bypassing the Spanish, Croatian and Georgian companies, the Australian company SMEC won a tender for the creation of a project of road and railways to the deep-water port of Anaklia. The project is estimated at more than $ 2,5 million, and the preparation period should not exceed 7 months. SMEC is the largest company with 14.5 thousand highly qualified specialists. Has been carrying out design activities since 1949. The construction of the Anaklia port will begin in 2021. The joint activities of the Georgian company TBC Holding and the American company Conti International LLC led to the creation of the Anaklia Development Consortium, which will build the port. After the completion of the 1st phase of construction, the port will be able to operate and receive up to 900 thousand containers per year. Upon completion of construction, which is designed for 50 years, the port will be able to handle over 100 million cargo annually.