House in with land

total area 1052 m2
Number of rooms 6
Land area 10 cells
Number of storeys 3
Repair Good
Ad type Real estate sales
Price in currency 1105000
Currency Dollar
Living space 540 m2
ID LH0003
Location Batumi

Sale of a 3-storey house with a land plot in Batumi.

For sale a three-storey house with an area of ​​540 m² on a plot of 1052 m².

Address of the object: Batumi, Giorgi Brtskinvale street

There are all communications: gas, water, electricity, sewerage, internet

The house has a comfortable layout, spacious, well-maintained; on the site there is an orchard with apple trees, pears, tangerines, feijoa, hazelnuts, kiwi. The climate allows all thermophilic crops to be grown.

For two years the house was rented out for a private kindergarten.

Land status: not for agricultural purposes

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