House with a plot in Gantiadi, Batumi

Gantiadi village
total area 7500 m2
Land area 75 cells
Ad type Real estate sales
Price in currency 787500
Currency Dollar
ID LH0036
Location Gantiadi village

Sale of land with sea views
A plot of 7500 m² is for sale in the municipality of Khelvachauri, in the village of Gantiadi.

This site is located 110 m above sea level. 

An orchard grows on the plot.

The site is located next to an asphalt road. All communications have been completed.

It is possible to divide the plot and buy in parts.

Nearby there are objects: kindergarten, Market, sulfur baths - 500 m, district center - 2 km, to the sea - 2 km, to Batumi - 8 km

With the purchase and registration of this and other real estate in Batumi specialists of our agency will help you!

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