Plot in the village, suburb of Batumi

urban-type settlement of Chakvi
total area 4649 m2
Ad type Real estate sales
Price in currency 139470
Currency Dollar
Land category Agricultural
ID L0084
Location urban-type settlement of Chakvi

Buy a plot close to Batumi.

In the village of Chakvi, a large land plot with an area of ​​4649 m2 is for sale, the plot is a hilly area.

The proposed site is well suited for the construction of a cottage or a private house. If the house is on two floors, then a magnificent view of the sea will open from the windows.

This plot is located in a beautiful area with a beautiful view of the majestic mountains.

All communications have been carried out:

  • natural gas,
  • water pipes,
  • electricity.

Plot status: agricultural.

Responsible manager +995 591 61 84 84 

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