Land for sale in Buknari

total area 3677 m2
Ad type Real estate sales
Price in currency 55155
Currency Dollar
Land category Agricultural
ID L0088
Display in the "Urgent sale" block Urgently

Buy a land plot close to Batumi.

In the village of Buknari, a land plot of 3677 m2 is for sale.

From this site, on the one hand, a magnificent view of the sea opens, on the other hand, a bewitching view of the mountains.

The proposed plot is suitable for construction, cottages, a restaurant with an amazingly beautiful view, your dream home.

All communications have been carried out:

  • water pipes,
  • natural gas,
  • electricity.

Plot status: agricultural.

Urgently, the price has been reduced to $15 per square, bargaining!

Responsible manager +995 591 61 84 84 

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