Assistance in making a donation

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How to apply for a real estate deed

A person can donate any of his own real estate to anyone, a private person, state, organization, but most often they give it to close relatives. A real estate donation agreement is an agreement under which the donor gives his own property to the recipient free of charge and forever. This procedure is not quite simple, as it requires an appropriate attitude to the submitted documents and has many legal subtleties.

Minor children and insane and incompetent people who are being treated in social protection institutions and their spouses, etc. cannot donate an apartment.

What should be included in a donation agreement?

The donation agreement must contain all the data required for the procedure - the cadastral number of the property, the passport data of both parties, the technical data of the apartment or premises. It must be established in a special way that the apartment has not been sold or donated to anyone else, not pledged to a bank and not subject to sanctions. It is important to indicate that this property is donated free of charge, this is the main condition of the contract. 

In the contract, you stipulate and prescribe these and many other terms of the transaction. It is also important to establish who will pay for the transaction, legal costs and government fees. It is also useful to enter your wishes related to the safety of the object, for example, in the event of the premature death of the donee before the donor, in case of dishonest treatment of real estate, etc. There are cases where other relatives dispute the agreement, in which case you may face litigation and the help of a professional lawyer.

A will of donation can be drawn up personally by you. You can write it at any time, but simply transferring property documents to another person without proper execution will not ensure the legality of this act. Only after the drawing up and signing of the contract, after the procedure for registering real estate in the State Register, the rights to property pass into the hands of the donee. 

If you need to arrange a donation of property, then you may need our help!

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